Restart Your Metabolism in Just 3 Months!

Are you exhausted by constantly questioning your decisions surrounding diet and exercise—wondering if you’re doing the right thing and wondering why nothing seems to move the needle on your health? Too many of us wander through life coping with diagnoses, feeling tired and lethargic, carrying too much body fat for optimal living, and resigned to our best days being behind us.

What if you could get your metabolism, and therefore your overall wellness, rebooted and functioning optimally in just three months? Created by chiropractor, neurology expert, and leading expert on lifelong, optimized living, Dr. Steven Geanopulos, The Metabolic Restart Program gives you all the tools you need to lose fat and feel better.

Restart Your Metabolism in Just 3 Months!

Are you exhausted by constantly questioning your decisions surrounding diet and exercise—wondering if you’re doing the right thing and wondering why nothing seems to move the needle on your health? Too many of us wander through life coping with diagnoses, feeling tired and lethargic, carrying too much body fat for optimal living, and resigned to our best days being behind us.

What if you could get your metabolism, and therefore your overall wellness, rebooted and functioning optimally in just three months? Created by chiropractor, neurology expert, and leading expert on lifelong, optimized living, Dr. Steven Geanopulos, The Metabolic Restart Program gives you all the tools you need to lose fat and feel better.

"Grateful to have found a program that works so well and is responsive to my physical and mental well-being!!

The program is much more than weight loss. It's about health. It's about real biochemical transformation in your body. My doctor looked at my blood test and said, Don't come back to me for another 5 years." - Michael D.

Switch Inflammation Off, Switch Potential On


It’s no secret that healthcare and knowing how to take care of yourself has become incredibly complex. But through years of working with patients and other doctors, we truly believe that restoring your health should be incredibly simple, if done right. 


Don’t reinvent the wheel, don’t jump on another fad. Restart your metabolism with the tools and accountability of doctor-formulated protocols and supplements. It is possible to wake up each day with energy and enthusiasm. It is possible to lose body fat and look good naked. It is attainable to restore your youthful hormone levels and get into peak performance. 

The Metabolic Restart Program is the program you've been longing for if you:

Are tired of programs that don't go into enough detail (like what exactly are you supposed to buy at the grocery store?)

Want a quick reboot but are worried about what happens after that. 

Are looking for more than a "weight-loss" program and want someone to really address your holistic needs.

Are craving mental clarity and focus so you can be your best self.

Have tried losing weight, focusing all your willpower on your endeavors but your methods just didn't produce lasting results.

Want individualized support that's attainable.

Complete MRP Application HERE

"I woke up today and weighed in at 180.0 - I haven't seen that number in years!!"


I had reached a breaking point with my weight - 197.6 at 5'8". I attribute my weight gain in a big way to drinking - I adore wine and used to mix alcohol with sugary drinks. During quarantine, it seemed like we'd make it to 5 o'clock and 'deserve wine' for that. The pounds kept adding and I 'porked out' as I lovingly referred to my unhealthy weight gain. It was a great idea for me to ease into this lifestyle change, and something I'd highly recommend to anyone embarking on something similar. I started taking vitamins and supplements provided by Dr. G. May goal weight is 160, and I'm determined to continue this lifestyle change and see my goal weight and learn to maintain. I know I can maintain this way of eating and living and am thrilled to continue!!!"

- Sarah P.

The Metabolic Restart Program Has Everything You Need to Reboot Your Body and Mind

The Metabolic Restart Program has all of the resources and tools you need to lose fat and feel better. It includes:

  • Dr. G’s proven methodology delivered daily in an easy to digest format
  • Two Live Q + A Group Support calls with Dr. G each month (6 total)
  • Daily in-app accountability with targeted tracking 
  • Daily in-app recipe recommendations 
  • Video modules from Dr. G throughout the program to educate, motivate, and keep you on track
  • Simple, approachable, and practical lifestyle changes
  • Grocery list to simplify shopping
  • BONUS: Metabolic Reset Playbook (over 80 pages of information and recipes)
I want in!

Gain a Deeper Understanding of Your Unique Body as a VIP

The Metabolic Restart Program is designed to address concerns identified in your self-assessment. But your blood can tell an even more in-depth story, tracking how the changes you make affect key markers that determine your energy levels, hormone levels, inflammation, and more. As a nationwide leader in interpreting blood work, Dr. G includes blood work and personalized results addressing concerns unique to your body.

As a VIP, you get:

  • Everything from the Metabolic Restart Program PLUS
  • Two blood work panels ($1,300 value) limited to 47 states*
  • Video explanation of the blood work ($149 value)
  • Detailed health report with recommendations ($149 value)
  • 90-days of custom Dr. G selected supplement regime to supercharge your results ($360 value)
  • BONUS: Continued supplement recommendations after your second blood panel 
  • BONUS: Metabolic Reset Playbook (over 80 pages of information and recipes)

These VIP spots are limited! We only accept 30 VIPs each month, so make sure to grab your spot if you’ve been searching for individualized answers for your health concerns!

*Residents in NY, NJ, RI please email [email protected] BEFORE purchasing the VIP Metabolic Restart Program. Due to state regulations your checkout process is different for bloodwork.

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What People are Saying

“Dr. G is a shining star in the healing world. There are none like him and I am blessed to have him on my health team! He's not only helped me but I have referred dozens of others who have had similar experiences.”

- Dr. Matthew Paterna, Owner/Clinic Director

“Thank you does not begin to express my gratitude for Dr. G. Complete blood work revealed things I didn’t know or understand about my health. I’m better for it, I’m making better food choices. My joint pain is gone unless I backslide. ”

- Previous Client

“I have a new way of living. I live differently when it comes to eating, sleeping, and my lifestyle to where I don't want to go back. ”

- Aimee

“My cholesterol dropped 45 points. Yay! I love all the supplements that are provided. I'm someone who is very sensitive to any fillers or any additives or things like that. I have had zero issues and zero concerns. ”

- Susan D.

Meet Dr. G

Dr. Steven G. Geanopulos is a chiropractor, speaker, writer, and leader in the world of functional neurology and is one of America’s leading experts in lifelong, optimized living. 

His experience and clinical approach have proven that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age.

Along with clinical practice, Dr. G is the owner and founder of Cyrene Labs, a ‘needs’ based nutritional supplement company focused on making necessary changes to metabolic health as measured in blood chemistry. Additionally, he co-founded Read It LLC, the world's first and only blood chemistry reading service for the chiropractic profession.

Dr. G’s mission in life is to use his gifts and knowledge to educate and empower people, shifting how we understand, pursue, and deliver the promise of health.

Frequently Asked Questions