Reset Your Health and Metabolism with Kitchen Must-Haves and Step-by-Step Recipes

If you're ready to...

gain muscle and lose fat

Discover the secret...

to aging slowly

Know how to...

look good naked at any age

The Metabolic Reset Playbook is about to unlock a whole new world for you.

Created by chiropractor, neurology expert, and leading expert on lifelong, optimized living, Dr. Steven Geanopulos, this is a resource you can’t pass up.

Learn What Feeling Your Best Really Means with the Metabolic Reset Playbook


With so many conflicting voices out there about what eating healthy really means, it’s no wonder many people feel completely overwhelmed. You know you want to avoid the problems genetics and time are sending your way, but is that really possible? And if so how?

The Metabolic Reset Playbook is an essential tool for people who:

  • Are frustrated with their daily lack of energy, mental clarity, and focus.
  • Have all the intentions of productive days but find themselves bogged down with fatigue.
  • Desperately want to increase muscle and decrease body fat but haven’t succeeded with anything else they’ve tried.
  • Are feeling the effects of aging and are curious if there is a way to age while maintaining their health.
  • Are concerned with the effects of age on their thyroid, sleep, and sex hormones.
Purchase the Metabolic Reset Playbook Now for Just $37

What if what you thought you knew about “healthy eating” was wrong?


We’ve all been taught A LOT of the wrong things about what’s healthy and unhealthy. We’ve been taught that all fats are bad and make us fat, to avoid salt like the plague, and that changing our diets would be expensive and too complicated.


What if I told you none of those things were true,

and that you could begin a full reset of your metabolism with the Metabolic Reset Playbook?

In the Metabolic Reset Playbook, you’ll find everything you need to get started in resetting your metabolism, including..  

  • An introduction on why high-fat diets actually work
  • The basic principles of macronutrients
  • How to follow an Autoimmune Protocol if needed
  • Staples for the pantry
  • Equipment for the kitchen
  • Dozens of recipes designed to reset your metabolism and end your dependency on sugar

This 87-page playbook will give you clarity and confidence to make simple shifts that will help you reset your metabolism!

Get My Copy of the Metabolic Reset Playbook

The Playbook is Just the Beginning

As you follow the recipes in the Metabolic Reset Playbook, increasing your intake of healthy fats and protein and breaking up with sugar, you’ll experience a dramatic difference in the way you look and feel.

Follow this guide and you’ll be able to:

  • Jump out of bed, ready for the day, and be full of energy all day.
  • Create habits that will allow you to age slowly. 
  • Look good (and feel confident) naked!
  • Restore your hormone sensitivity back to your youthful set points (including insulin, cortisol, and leptin.)
  • Feel your very best, day-in and day-out.

What People are Saying


“My husband had some cholesterol problems and Dr. G suggested he order lab work and then make a plan to help him. He also suggested we both work together to get healthier. So I did lab work also. He explained the results in a way we both could understand. Dr. G followed our progress with video calls and answered any question we had. My husband has had no more problems with his cholesterol. We both lost weight in the process which was an added bonus.  Wish more doctors would explain lab work the way Dr. G does.”


“I refer most of my patients to Dr. G because of his understanding of the body and how he deciphers blood work to help patients with all kinds of diseases. I work with him privately, on myself as well. If you need help with any type of condition and would like a life of health and longevity, Dr. G is your go to doctor.”

Dr. Thomas W. Mercante | AlignLife of Summerville

Meet Dr. G

Dr. Steven Geanopulos is a chiropractor, speaker, writer, and leader in the world of functional neurology and is one of America’s leading experts in lifelong, optimized living. 

His experience and clinical approach have proven that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age.

Along with clinical practice, Dr. G is the owner and founder of Cyrene Labs, a ‘needs’ based nutritional supplement company focused on making necessary changes to metabolic health as measured in blood chemistry. Additionally, he co-founded Read It LLC, the world's first and only blood chemistry reading service for the chiropractic profession.

Dr. G’s mission in life is to use his gifts and knowledge to educate and empower people, shifting how we understand, pursue, and deliver the promise of health.

Purchase The Metabolic Reset Playbook Now


For just $37, the Metabolic Reset Playbook will dispel myths you’ve likely been taught about nutrition and set you up for success in the kitchen.

Tasty recipes with beautiful pictures and step-by-step instructions will have you cooking healthy meals that will leave you satisfied and feeling great!

Get started with this incredible resource today!

Purchase the Metabolic Reset Playbook Today