Stop Relying on Willpower Alone and
Learn to Defeat Cravings!

Grabbing a donut

Feeling like your cravings too often defeat your self-control? This challenge will help you break your addiction to sugar and establish sustainable changes to your diet and habits for lasting results.

What if, in just 7 days, you could experience more energy, better-fitting clothes, and decreased cravings? Created by chiropractor, neurology expert, and leading expert on lifelong, optimized living, Dr. Steven Geanopulos, the Break Up with Sugar and Carbs Challenge gives you the ideal start to having a better relationship with food and feeling better.

Join Challenge Now


Sick of succumbing to cravings and not sure what to try next?


So many of us have tried diets, challenges, fitness programs, and other weight loss solutions and don’t find the results we’re looking for. Or, maybe we experience short-term results, but we always backslide into our old ways.


The Break Up with Sugar + Carbs Challenge is for you if you:

Keep relying on willpower to create a change (like weight loss) and keep failing.

Easily succumb to cravings.

Feel hopeless that lasting change could happen in your body.

Are confused and have no clue where to start or what to do.

Feel concerned about your family history of disease and worry about ending up unhealthy like your family.

Don’t want to be on medications for the rest of your life.

Fear not looking or feeling good in your body.

Sign up for the Challenge TODAY!

Experience Freedom from Cravings and Feel More Confident and Energized


Of course, a one-week challenge is just the start of a longer journey, but we’re confident that within one week of following through with the daily challenges, you’ll have more energy, feel more comfortable in your clothes, experience reduced cravings and inflammation, and gain a better understanding of what it could take to experience lasting change.

The 7-Day Break Up with Sugar + Carbs Challenge Includes:


  • Daily videos from Dr. G
  • Guided sugar and carbohydrate fundamentals
  • The Metabolic Momentum Meal Guide

This 7-day challenge takes you through a step-by-step process for reducing sugar and carbohydrates in your diet to reduce cravings.



Day 1: Breaking the Emotional Snacking Cycle

  • Learn how to break the sugar addiction cycle. 
  • Receive expert advice on strategies for replacing emotional snacking.
  • Learn about the benefits of intermittent fasting, reducing carb intake, and meal planning.

Day 2: Overcoming Sugar Addiction

  • I share invaluable tips on overcoming sugar addiction.
  • Discover the power of avoiding sweeteners, limiting carb consumption, and adopting a specific meal time frame. 
  • Learn about the importance of consuming protein and fat, even for vegetarians, and explore strategies to address addiction effectively.

Day 3: Unlocking Your Body's Potential

  • Uncover the significance of selecting high-protein and high-fat foods while reducing carbohydrate intake.
  • Discover how this approach helps release less insulin and taps into your body's fat stores for energy. My advice on consuming fresh, unprocessed foods in their natural form.
  • Staying committed to the plan, even when hunger and cravings arise.

Day 4: Protein Power and Bad Breath Prevention

  • The importance of consuming adequate protein per meal, incorporating protein after morning workouts, and utilizing protein shakes as meal replacements.
  • Gain insights on preventing bad breath while in ketosis. 

Day 5: Celebrating Your Progress

  • Reflect on the progress made during this successful seven-day food challenge.
  • Emphasizing the importance of protein and fat, I  guide you to establish a healthy relationship with food.
  • Discover strategies for handling weekends and cheat days without guilt, and learn about the benefits of fasting as a powerful reset tool.
  • I share my personal fasting experience, leaving you feeling empowered.

Day 6: Unveiling Metabolic Patterns

  • Delve into the fascinating world of metabolic patterns and their impact on heart health. 
  • Get answers to your burning questions regarding diet and receive encouragement to create a personalized plan with the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  • Learn about the benefits of time-restricted eating and the role of L glutamine.
  • Ongoing support will also be available through our exclusive membership program.

Day 7: Weight Loss Strategies and Beyond

  • Discover the benefits of using protein supplements to avoid muscle loss
  • Learn effective strategies to avoid carbohydrates and increase protein and fat intake
  • Emphasize consistency and goal setting for lasting results
Sign up for the Challenge

Longer-Term Goals of Challenge Participants Include:

  • Proving to themselves they can follow through
  • Increased energy
  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Improved mood
  • Less aches and pains
  • Wanting to feel and look good naked in their own body
  • New sense of control and outlook on health and wellbeing

What It Is Like Working with Dr. G


“I lost over 100 pounds just to gain almost all of it back and had to lose it again, just because I didn’t understand the role of each macronutrient and how different types of food affect my body. Thanks for this great info!”

- J. Hanson

“My experience with Dr. G was fantastic from start to finish. I have been on a quest for the past 4+ years to deal with some issues that were new for me.... unexplained fatigue, weight gain, and digestive issues. As a generally very active, healthy person, I was seeking to get to the root of my issues and was tired of receiving a "band-aid" response as I had with conventional medical doctors. Dr. G spent so much time explaining what my bloodwork showed, how it affects my body, and how we can fix these issues. I'm eternally grateful to him because I truly believe his expertise and advice has added many more years to my life! You cannot put a price tag on your health. You are worth the investment!”

-Colleen S.

Meet Dr. G

Dr. Steven G. Geanopulos is a chiropractor, speaker, writer, and leader in the world of functional neurology and is one of America’s leading experts in lifelong, optimized living. 

His experience and clinical approach have proven that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age.

Along with clinical practice, Dr. G is the owner and founder of Cyrene Labs, a ‘needs’ based nutritional supplement company focused on making necessary changes to metabolic health as measured in blood chemistry. Additionally, he co-founded Read It LLC, the world's first and only blood chemistry reading service for the chiropractic profession.

Dr. G’s mission in life is to use his gifts and knowledge to educate and empower people, shifting how we understand, pursue, and deliver the promise of health.

Dr. Steven G Headshot

Frequently Asked Questions


Get Started with the Break Up with Sugar + Carbs Challenge! 

You don’t need to feel defeated by your cravings anymore. Experience a win when you see that you can follow through with something and begin to feel more confident about your body in just one week.

Sign Up for the Break Up with Sugar + Carbs Challenge