Create momentum in just one week with this meal guide!

Using this guide will help you:

Using this guide will help you:

What you will get:

  • Fourteen recipes you can enjoy at any time (including seven vegan recipes).
  • Macronutrient breakdown for each recipe.
  • Breakdown of the importance of nutrients and metabolic health.
  • Wide variety of protein and vegetable options.
  • All but one recipe will take LESS than 30 minutes to make. The other recipe uses a slow cooker, set it and forget it.

Get the Meal Guide HERE

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Meet Dr. Steven G


Dr. Steven Geanopulos is a chiropractor, speaker, writer, and leader in the world of functional neurology and is one of America’s leading experts in optimized living and longevity.

His experience and clinical approach have proven that no matter your age, as long as you are proactive even with diminished health you can reclaim your vitality.

Along with clinical practice, Dr. G is the owner and founder of Cyrene Labs, a ‘needs’ based nutritional supplement company focused on making necessary changes to metabolic health as measured in blood chemistry. Additionally, he co-founded Read It LLC, the world's first and only blood chemistry reading service for the chiropractic profession.

Dr. G’s mission in life is to use his gifts and knowledge to educate and empower people, shifting how we understand, pursue, and deliver the promise of health.