Improve focus, concentration, energy and motivation. Safely and naturally.

aging longevity supplements
Improve focus

Neuro-FC, a revolutionary brain performance formula like no other.  This classification of supplement or nutraceutical are sometimes called nootropics.  There are several natural compounds that influence brain chemistry in a way that can positively impact cognitive performance, physical performance, focus, concentration, motivation and more.  The ingredients in Neuro-FC have been put together in a way that yields dramatic results based on the unique synergy of the ingredients.

Who is Neuro-FC for?

Are you frequently bored, easily distracted, creatively stuck; you know, constantly turning your attention to the proverbial squirrel running past you.  And aren’t there more squirrels grabbing our attention these days than ever before ? Think about it, you have any number of apps on your phone, hundreds of emails to process and windows open on your computer all tapping you on the shoulder requesting your attention requiring you to take action.  It can all seem impossible to manage.

The distracted state we find ourselves in can drive up stress hormones that will negatively impact our blood sugar, body composition, metabolic health, mental energy and memory.  Lack of focus, concentration and attention can impact blood pressure, sexual function, sleep recovery and even our ability to properly digest food leading to chronic inflammatory states. Organizing tasks, exercising regularly and getting work done can seem impossible, leading to a greater feeling of stress and anxiety. This leaves us stuck in a vicious cycle, with multiple simultaneous patterns of  poor health. Think about the risk of having relationship problems arise or pressure leading to substance abuse, such as alcohol, recreational and prescription drugs.

Entrepreneurs, students, athletes, professionals, and artists all find themselves looking for solutions or a competitive edge. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health released a detailed report citing research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) on the misuse of stimulant medications by students and adults. Medications typically prescribed for ADHD.

Ask any college student in your family about how many of their classmates are using Adderall, Ritalin and Vyvanse as a PED (performance enhancing drug) to get better grades.  If the college student you ask is not taking those same medications, ask them if they feel like they are at a competitive disadvantage. The answers may or may not surprise you.  Clearly the use of these medications off label (meaning not prescribed by a physician to treat a medical condition they were intended for) is sharply on the rise resulting in a dramatic increase in emergency room visits.

Upon graduation from college and entering the workforce, the pressure to perform continues to mount and it can seem very difficult to not fall back on the crutch that got you through your college years. Where does it end?  I have been a clinician for over 20 years and I have had more and more adult professionals voice concerns that they have been on this class of medication for too long.  Some are tempted to get back on the medications due to poor mental performance, energy and motivation . Either way people are looking for effective, safe, natural alternatives.

Neuro-FC is quite possibly the most potent nootropic on the market.

Neuro-FC and its patented ingredient and a formulation is designed to make a difference and “move the needle” on the above mentioned symptoms and concerns.   Neuro-FC is like no other product on the market.  Formulated as a one a day only capsule, Neuro-FC combines the effectiveness of several well studied ingredients that have unique properties when combined in this specific formulation.  

Several other nootropics on the market require multiple capsules that have to be taken throughout the day.  One single Neuro-FC can last 6-8 hours, the amount of time in a day we want to spend being active, working and being productive or creative.

What is a nootropic?

Nootropics are supplements that experts claim can improve your memory, boost attention span, and help you process information more efficiently.  Some of these substances seem to help people with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, there is substantial evidence that they can lift performance in a healthy brain.

How do I know if Neuro-FC can help me?

Stimulant medications have their mechanism of action by inhibiting the re-uptake of a brain neurotransmitter called dopamine.  This allows dopamine to remain in the active cellular space longer. A weak version of this can be found as an impact of drinking a cup of coffee or tea.  Caffeine is a weak dopamine re-uptake inhibitor as well. If you are someone who relies of coffee to concentrate or even feel caffeine has a calming effect on you, then you are likely to be an optimal candidate for Neuro-FC.  

In addition to Caffeine, Neuro-FC has additional ingredients that work synergistically with caffeine to improve dopamine and other neurotransmitter (brain chemistry) physiology, reduce inflammation, speed up entry of compounds into the cells.  

We live in a time where most people recognize that dependence on pharmaceutical drugs as a long term solution to any set of symptoms or health problem is very risky and can harm your health.  Pharmaceutical drugs used to improve focus, concentration, brain energy and motivation tend to exhaust the brain pathways they are supposed to help, resulting in decreased effectiveness and a need for a higher and higher dose until there is little to no effect at all and the receptor populations are permanently altered.  It is far better to support the pathways and their receptor systems naturally.

Have you ever wondered why we know so much about these natural solutions?  Its because the pharmaceutical companies that are making the most recent or next blockbuster drugs are studying these compounds in order to mimic their mechanism of action.  Why not simply combine the benefits of several harmless natural compounds and botanicals for a safe additive effect that you desire at a fraction of the price and without the risk.  

Ingredient Synergy- “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”  

Synergy is achieved when the right ingredients in the proper quantities are brought together to create exponential results, not merely an additive effect. Here are some of the important properties that the ingredients of Neuro-FC bring to the table.

Teacrine (Theacrine)

Theacrine is a compound that comes from the cupuacu plant that grows in the Amazon and is related to the cocoa plant.  Theacrine is a natural compound with the ability to increase mental clarity, energize workouts, and increase overall mood and motivation.

Theacrine can also enhance and extend the positive effects of caffeine while minimizing its negative side effects.

Concentrated theacrine doses also activate dopamine receptors.  Activation of these receptors is responsible for motivation and wakefulnessThese are the very same receptors that appear to be influenced by many of the common ADHD medications.

Teacrine ™ differs from caffeine in the following ways.  

  • Teacrine ™ does not raise blood pressure.
  • Teacrine ™  does not interfere with sleep the way caffeine does.
  • You do not habituate to the effects of Teacrine ™ as you do with caffeine
  • Teacrine ™ last longer (longer half life) than caffeine.

Finally, Teacrine ™  and caffeine are more effective when taken together because caffeine increases the bioavailability and positive effects of Teacrine ™  

Macuna Pruriens

Macuna pruriens is tropical legume native to Africa and tropical Asia.  It contains L-Dopa the precursor to the neurotransmitter Dopamine. Dopamine is an important neurotransmitter that is essential for sleep, memory, mood, mental functions, and calming the nervous system.

Yohimbe bark (8% yohimbine)

This ingredient has been supported by research to impact type 2 diabetes, sexual dysfunction, memory, fear and social anxieties, cognitive performance, weight loss pain and arthritis.  The reason for all of these disparate effects is not because this is another “snake oil” but rather its impact on certain specific neurotransmitter in key part of the brain that have their downstream effects on all of the listed concerns.

Specifically, Yohimbine effects and supports the natural physiology of epinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the brain and brainstem.  

Alpha GPC

  • Great for brain function
  • May lower inflammation
  • Good for physical and mental performance
  • Good for mood

Alpha GPC is a natural compound found in the brain. Alpha-GPC has been used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and multiple forms of dementia because of its impact on acetyl-choline the neurotransmitter needed to form new memories.  

Alpha-GPC, in studies improved a wide number of memory functions in mice and humans including working memory, verbal memory learning, and maze pathway learning.  In amnesia-induced rats, alpha-GPC improved learning and memory. Alpha GPC has been shown to increase growth hormone.


BioPerine® is a patented extract obtained from black pepper fruits (Piper nigrum). BioPerine® has been used as a bioavailability enhancer. BioPerine® may be co-administered with various nutrients to enhance their bioavailability.

Neuro-FC is now available.

Please share this article with anyone you feel may want to know more, leave comments or ask questions. 


Until next time,

Dr. G

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