You’re Not Living Up to Your Potential…But You Could Be.


Our world has experienced interferences with optimal living for generations, including bad education, increasingly sedentary lifestyles, and less-and-less nutritious foods that are readily available.


These interferences are resulting in an ever-increasing disconnect in our bodies and minds, leading to pain, sickness, and disease.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! Dr. G’s programs will help you:

Dr. G can help you

Deciding to BE HEALTHY in your daily life is far better than trying to avoid disease.” -Dr. G

Dr. G’s Programs are Proven—25+ Years of Clinical Practice and Undeniable Results

There is no shortage of health coaches, influencers, and fad diets you can follow to try to achieve your goals of health and longevity. 


But Dr. G’s decades of clinical experience as a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, and continual success with client after client can’t be denied. And not only has Dr. G worked in private practice, but in founding Cyrene Labs and Read IT. Dr. G quickly became a trusted expert for doctors of chiropractic and functional medicine practitioners worldwide.


With programs developed for all price points, Dr. G’s offerings can take anyone looking to live a life full of energy and vitality to the next level of wellness. 


Whether you’re looking for a full blood panel, personalized results, and ongoing support from Dr. G, or some great resources you can download and work through at your own pace, there is something for everyone ready to take the next step in living out their true potential.

What My Clients Are Saying

“Working with Doctor G has saved my life and the life of my wife. Dr. G always addresses our concerns and explains everything so that we understand why and what he suggests we do. He cares about his patients dearly. I always recommend him when someone tells me about their diabetes or other ailments. I have such faith and confidence in him and appreciate all he does.”

-Keith Palumbo

“Dr. G is a shining star in the healing world. There are none like him, and I am blessed to have him on my health team! He's not only helped me, but I have referred dozens of others who have had similar experiences.”

-Dr. Matthew Paterna, Owner/Clinic Director

“Thank you does not begin to express my gratitude for Dr. G. Complete blood work revealed things I didn’t know or understand about my health. I’m better for it, making better food choices, and my joint pain is gone unless I backslide. My body tells me.”

- Anonymous

“I refer most of my patients to Dr. G because of his understanding of the body and how he deciphers blood work to help patients with all kinds of diseases. I work with him privately, on myself as well. If you need help with any type of condition and would like a life of health and longevity, Dr. G is your go-to doctor.”

-Dr. Thomas W. Mercante, AlignLife of Summerville

Work with Dr. G

Dr. G has a variety of resources and programs available, but they all have the same goal—to reconnect you to health and well-being.

Metabolic Reset Playbook

Time is our most valuable resource, and we know many of you are craving tools you can access quickly and work through on your own time and pace. If this is you, you might like the Metabolic Reset Playbook. It is over 80 pages of information and recipes.

Checkout Metabolic Reset Playbook

Metabolic Restart Program

Many people are able to make successful lifestyle changes when they have more accountability. If you are looking for a program with more accountability and even more resources, the Metabolic Restart Program is the fit for you.

Learn More - Metabolic Restart Program

Metabolic Accelerator

This membership is designed to give you everything you need to live a life full of vitality. From customized meal plans to live calls with Dr. G, the Metabolic Accelerator is your gateway to optimal living.

Join Metabolic Accelerator

Break Up with Sugar + Carbs Challenge

Join at any time! This seven day challenge is emailed straight to you. You get lifetime access and a private Facebook group for accountability and support. This is a great way to change your relationship with carbohydrates in just seven days!

Join Challenge Now
Dr. G Bio

Meet Dr. G

Dr. Steven G. Geanopulos is a chiropractor, speaker, writer, and leader in the world of functional neurology and is quickly becoming one of America’s leading experts in lifelong, optimized living. 


His experience and clinical approach have proven that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age.


Along with clinical practice, Dr. G is the owner and founder of Cyrene Labs, a ‘needs’ based nutritional supplement company focused on making necessary changes to metabolic health as measured in blood chemistry. Additionally, he co-founded Read It LLC, the world's first and only blood chemistry reading service for the chiropractic profession.


Dr. G’s mission in life is to use his gifts and knowledge to educate and empower people, shifting how we understand, pursue, and deliver the promise of health.


Get Started with the FREE Metabolic Momentum Meal Guide

Break your addiction to sugar, carbohydrates, and other inflammatory foods with this free resource! The Metabolic Momentum Meal Guide includes 7 recipes to get you started with the process. 

Reduce body fat and decrease cravings as you build momentum in your metabolism.